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Hong Kongers trusted one stop property investing 
partner. Acquire investments professionally that give you 
reliable worry free passive income.

Years of Incredible Growth

Results you can expect to achieve

Here's what our investor say

Modern Townhouses
Your Guide.png

Before I invested with John I had already purchased an investment property in Edinburgh whilst I was working in Hong Kong.  He told me about his high yielding cash flow strategies and that he could double the return that I was getting from my existing investment.  I wanted to return to Scotland and retire early and spend time with my young family and so the idea of living off passive income really interested me.


First of all, he helped me refinance my existing property which was purchased for £178K in November 2016 and was revalued at £190K and was able to refinance and was able to take back £95K.  With John’s recommendation I have since bought 3 investment properties from him and netted circa £1500 per calendar month and in addition to the rent from my initial investment I am now retired living from my rental income.  He later helped me refinance the initial property that I had purchased from him.  


I have to give a BIG thank you to John as it was him that made me believe that it was possible to have financial freedom from passive income and for him to achieve it for me.  I hope John can help others like me in his vision of helping 1000 HKers become financially free.   


I could not be happier now, before I was worried about how I could finance my lifestyle when I left my job with the bank in HK.  Now, every month I have passive income coming in and I can spend as much time with the family as I want which is what I value most.

From Ken [HK investor]

Taking the decision to invest in property in the UK is a bold decision and you need to find the right partner because you don't know the market and if something goes wrong you are 6,000 miles or more than a 12-hour flight away. Working with the wrong sourcing agent, investment property, and managing agent can mean success and failure as a property investor. I am not just your average sourcing agent but I am your investment partner, if my customer succeeds then I succeed.


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Are you considering investing in Glasgow but need more information to make an informed decision?

Our comprehensive guide, "Welcome to Glasgow", provides valuable insights and data on the city's economic growth, business opportunities, and the vibrant culture. Download now to get a deeper understanding of why Glasgow is the perfect place to invest in and grow your business.

Most Hong Kongers wanting to invest in the UK are confused, feel overwhelmed and most importantly do not know who to trust. Are you experiencing these worries or already have experienced these pains through previous bad investments?

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You will not get the return you thought you will get


You are not kept informed of issues by your managing agent.


You will mistakenly invest in a property that instead of being an asset becomes a liability.


You are worried that you have a poor quality tenant and worried about how you can evict them.



You get hit by hidden fees.


You are concerned that your property is not fully compliant to current legislation.


You lack confidence in communicating because  English is not your first language and you don't understand everything.


You cannot speak to someone with responsibility and have your best interests at heart when there is an issue.

 3 Simple Steps to finding and purchasing your perfect investment property 

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You will have your needs assessed and questions answered.
Create a plan to achieve your goals. I will began to source
the right property for your needs.

property search.png


My team will work tirelessly to find the right property for you. I look at dozens of opportunities before I present them to you. I will work with the solicitor to ensure you 
have a stress free transaction.


I will completely manage the refurbishment process for you.
You can rest assured that you will get value for money. I will balance between aestethics, durability and good value. Finally, we find you a tenant and get rent coming in. 

Here's how I can help you find your perfect investment property 

You will get the very best of impartial investment advice and benefit from my property investment knowledge. 

You will get a holistic and long term approach to investing that gives you reliable income.

Enjoy the peace of mind that you have made the right investment.

Get the peace of mind that your property is managed professionally by a company that is owned by an investor.

You will be assisted every step of your investment journey from acquiring your property, renovating it and finally finding a tenant.

You believe you deserve better..

I know and understand your fears about selecting the wrong sourcing agent, investment property and managing agent. I am obsessed with your success.

I am uniquely placed to understand Hong Kongers and their needs  for their property investments because he has grown up in Scotland and has worked in Hong Kong for over 13 years.He started investing over 10 years ago by buying his first property. Since those humble beginnings I have grown my team and now manages almost 100 investment properties. 

Our Promise to you

Expert Guidance

You will receive expert guidance in every step of your investment journey

Peace of Mind

You can relax knowing that me and my team have your best interest at heart.

Hands-free and End-to-end

From initial consultation to owning a passive income-generating property asset, every step is taken cared of

Avoid Pitfalls

Investment  mistakes are costly, so we help you avoid costly  pitfalls that you might make on your own

Standard Investment Packages

These packages are for investment properties and are
not intended for residential properties for own use.

Package price starts from £3,500

The ultimate hands free package we do everything beginning to end so you don't need to lift a finger.

Provide guidance and market information


Provide finance and mortgage consultation

Select properties that match the
client's criteria for viewing consideration or client can select a property of their choice for viewing


Arrange and conduct a property viewing on client's behalf or accompany the client to viewing (if  feasible)



Video record the house viewing and
provide to client within 24 hours

Provide home report appraisal in
interested property

Provide negotiation strategy and
negotiate best terms on behalf of
the client


Manage purchase with client's
solicitor or provide one if they don't
have one


Liaise between estate agent/seller
and client to achieve successful


Arrange for the handing over of

Arrange for the purchase of
building and content insurance (if

 Provide refurbishment consultancy
and advice for refurbishment works


Carry out and project manage the
refurbishment works



Get all safety certificates, landlord
registration, council tax exemption
(if applicable), property factor
account set up and key fobs and
dealing with utility companies 



Prepare the property for letting by
taking photos, videos and listing it 



View property with prospective


Do due diligence on the right
tenants and sign tenancy

Package fixed price £2,000

A cost effective package for a more hands on investor

Provide guidance and market information


Provide finance and mortgage consultation


Select properties that match client’s criteria for viewing consideration or client can select a property of their choice for viewing


Arrange and conduct a property viewing on client’s behalf or accompany the client to viewing (if feasible)



Video record the house viewing and provide to client within 24 hours

Provide home report appraisal in interested property

Provide negotiation strategy and negotiate best terms on behalf of the client


Manage purchase with client’s solicitor or provide one if they don’t have one


Liaise between estate agent/seller and client to achieve a successful purchase


Arrange for the handing over of keys



Arrange for the purchase of building and content insurance (if appropriate)



Provide refurbishment consultancy
and advice for refurbishment works


Carry out and project manage the
refurbishment works 


At an additional cost we can...

Get all safety certificates, landlord registration, council tax exemption (if applicable), property factor account set up and key fobs and dealing with utility companies


At an additional cost we can...

Prepare the property for letting by taking photos, videos and listing it


At an additional cost we can...

View property with prospective tenants


At an additional cost we can...

Do due diligence on the right tenants and sign tenancy agreements

Existing property Onboarding Service

Package price starts from £400 

Our most cost effective package, you have an existing property and now want to turn
it into an investment property.

Provide guidance and market information


Provide finance and mortgage consultation

Select properties that match the client's criteria for viewing consideration or client can select a property of their choice for viewing


Arrange and conduct a property viewing on client's behalf or accompany the client to viewing (if feasible)



Video record the house viewing and provide to client within 24 hours


Provide home report appraisal in interested property


Provide negotiation strategy and negotiate best terms on behalf of the client


Manage purchase with client's solicitor or provide one if they don't have one



Liaise between estate agent/seller and client to achieve successful purchase


Arrange for the handling over of keys



Arrange for the purchase of building and content insurance (if appropriate)


Provide refurbishment consultancy and advice for refurbishment works

At an additional cost we can...

Carry out and project manage the refurbishment works

At an additional cost we can...

Get all safety certificates, landlord registration, council tax exemption (if applicable), property factor account set up and key fobs and dealing with utility companies


Prepare the property for letting by taking photos, videos and listing it


View property with prospective tenants


Do due diligence on the right tenants and sign tenancy agreements

BNO移民英國|格拉斯哥退休生活|收租都夠生活費|Living expenses pay by rent collection|Invest in Glasgow

BNO移民英國|格拉斯哥退休生活|收租都夠生活費|Living expenses pay by rent collection|Invest in Glasgow

#英國地產 #ukpropertyinvesting #英國買樓 BNO移民英國|格拉斯哥退休生活|收租都夠生活費|Living expenses pay by rent collection|Invest in Glasgow John係英國出生及長大的香港人,英國投資物業專家,熟悉英國樓走勢及法律。現扎根英國4大城市之一,蘇格蘭最大城市,格拉斯哥(Glasgow)。專為香港人提供買賣物業、投資(buy to let)一條龍服務,涵蓋搵樓、裝修、出租、租務管理等、並持有英國按揭經紀牌。 今集有香港投資者Anna同大家分享她在格拉斯哥的生活感受,亦同大家分享她在格拉斯哥買樓投資的心得,如果你都考慮緊到英國生活或買樓自住 / 投資,一定要睇! John is a Hongkonger, born and raised in the UK, is a British investment property expert and is familiar with UK property trends and laws, based in Glasgow, the fourth largest city in the UK and the largest city in Scotland. Specializing in serving Hong Kong people in property investment. Our business covered sourcing property, renovation, leasing, buy to let, leasing management, and with a British mortgage broker license. In this episode, Hong Kong investor Anna shares her life and property investment experience in Glasgow. If you are considering living in the UK or buying property for your own living/investment, don't miss this video! Watch this video as I dive in on this topic! ✅ Timestamps for reference: 0:48 點樣搵到John幫手|How Anna met John 3:41 格拉斯哥生活分享|The lifestyle in Glasgow 5:27 Maryhill 環境配套|Maryhill supporting infrastructure 6:00 收租都夠生活費|Living expenses pay by rent collection 7:24 香港人對格拉斯哥的印象|Hong Konger's impression of Glasgow 9:42 啱BNO香港人居住?|Is it the place for BNO Hong Kongers to relocate? ✅ Download these guides for FREE! ✅ Find the BEST PLACES to INVEST in UK: Ultimate Checklist for Hong Kongers Relocating To UK: Comment your key takeaway from this video below! ★ RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU ★  • Check out this video playlist to see the related videos ⚑ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ⚑   Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and hit the notification button to be updated on my upcoming UK Property educational videos about investing or renting that YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT 🏠  ツCONNECT WITH ME ツ =============================== You can connect with me on different social platforms too: - WhatsApp: +447915655198 - Website: - Youtube: - LinkedIn: - Facebook: - Hong Kong Investor Private FB Group: ★ Invest with John ★ To learn more about investing with me click   See you there! 🙌 *************** Visit our website at 睇完片,留言同我地分享您學到咩! ★ 推薦影片 ★  • 相關影片清單: ⚑ 訂閱我的頻道 ⚑ 記住訂閱&撳鐘仔,接收我哋最新投資/租務的教育影片 ツ與我聯繫ツ ===============================  - WhatsApp: +447915655198  - 網站  - Youtube:  - LinkedIn:  - Facebook:  - 香港投資者私人Facebook群組: ★ 同John一齊投資 ★ 按此一齊學習投資: 到時見!
英國冬天水管結冰|一個簡單做法可解決|One simple solution for Water pipes freeze in UK winter

英國冬天水管結冰|一個簡單做法可解決|One simple solution for Water pipes freeze in UK winter

#英國地產 #ukpropertyinvesting #英國買樓 英國冬天水管結冰|一個簡單做法可解決|One simple solution for Water pipes freeze in UK winter   John係英國出生及長大的香港人,英國投資物業專家,熟悉英國樓走勢及法律。現扎根英國4大城市之一,蘇格蘭最大城市,格拉斯哥(Glasgow)。專為香港人提供買賣物業、投資(buy to let)一條龍服務,涵蓋搵樓、裝修、出租、租務管理等、並持有英國按揭經紀牌。 如果你在英國有屋,而冬天沒有人住,除了每日定時開暖氣保持室內溫度,再加一個簡單的做法,就可以在冬天要防止水管結冰導致爆裂。今集就同大家分享要點做。 John is a Hongkonger, born and raised in the UK, is a British investment property expert, and is familiar with UK property trends and laws, based in Glasgow, the fourth largest city in the UK and the largest city in Scotland. Specializing in serving Hong Kong people in property investment. Our business covered sourcing property, renovation, leasing, buy to let, leasing management, and a British mortgage broker license. If you have a house in the UK and no one lives in it in winter, in addition to turning on the heating regularly every day to maintain the indoor temperature, there are simple ways you can prevent water pipes from freezing and bursting in winter. Check this out in this video. Watch this video as I dive in on this topic! ✅ Timestamps for reference: 0:35 格拉斯哥冬天夜晚氣溫低過零度 Winter nights in Glasgow dip below 0 degrees 1:46 預防水管結冰 Prevent water pipes from freezing 4:17 留意熱水爐設定 Boiler Settings ✅ Download these guides for FREE! ✅ Find the BEST PLACES to INVEST in UK: Ultimate Checklist for Hong Kongers Relocating To UK: Comment your key takeaway from this video below! ★ RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU ★  • Check out this video playlist to see the related videos ⚑ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ⚑   Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and hit the notification button to be updated on my upcoming UK Property educational videos about investing or renting that YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT 🏠  ツCONNECT WITH ME ツ =============================== You can connect with me on different social platforms too: - WhatsApp: +447915655198 - Website: - Youtube: - LinkedIn: - Facebook: - Hong Kong Investor Private FB Group: ★ Invest with John ★ To learn more about investing with me click   See you there! 🙌 ************* Visit our website at 睇完片,留言同我地分享您學到咩! ★ 推薦影片 ★  • 相關影片清單: ⚑ 訂閱我的頻道 ⚑ 記住訂閱&撳鐘仔,接收我哋最新投資/租務的教育影片 ツ與我聯繫ツ ===============================  - WhatsApp: +447915655198  - 網站  - Youtube:  - LinkedIn:  - Facebook:  - 香港投資者私人Facebook群組: ★ 同John一齊投資 ★ 按此一齊學習投資: 到時見!
善用英國樓投資|回報夠俾英國學費|  Return on property investment is enough for children to study in the UK

善用英國樓投資|回報夠俾英國學費| Return on property investment is enough for children to study in the UK

#英國地產 #ukpropertyinvesting #英國買樓 善用英國樓投資|回報夠俾英國學費| Return on property investment is enough for children to study in the UK   John係英國出生及長大的香港人,英國投資物業專家,熟悉英國樓走勢及法律。現扎根英國4大城市之一,蘇格蘭最大城市,格拉斯哥(Glasgow)。專為香港人提供買賣物業、投資(buy to let)一條龍服務,涵蓋搵樓、裝修、出租、租務管理等、並持有英國按揭經紀牌。 投資英國樓,除左升值,亦可以運用財技以錢搵錢,增加自己回報。好似今集同大家分享的例子,香港投資者的回報,足夠供子女在英國讀寄宿學校。 John is a Hongkonger, born and raised in the UK, is a British investment property expert and is familiar with UK property trends and laws, based in Glasgow, the fourth largest city in the UK and the largest city in Scotland. Specializing in serving Hong Kong people in property investment. Our business covered sourcing property, renovation, leasing, buy to let, leasing management, and with a British mortgage broker license. Investing in UK property, you can also use financial skills to make money and increase your return. Just like the example shared with you in this episode, the returns of a Hong Kong investor is sufficient for their children to study in boarding schools in the UK. Watch this video as I dive in on this topic! ✅ Download these guides for FREE! ✅ Find the BEST PLACES to INVEST in UK: Ultimate Checklist for Hong Kongers Relocating To UK: Comment your key takeaway from this video below! ★ RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU ★  • Check out this video playlist to see the related videos ⚑ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ⚑   Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and hit the notification button to be updated on my upcoming UK Property educational videos about investing or renting that YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT 🏠  ツCONNECT WITH ME ツ =============================== You can connect with me on different social platforms too: - WhatsApp: +447915655198 - Website: - Youtube: - LinkedIn: - Facebook: - Hong Kong Investor Private FB Group: ★ Invest with John ★ To learn more about investing with me click   See you there! 🙌 ****** Visit our website at 睇完片,留言同我地分享您學到咩! ★ 推薦影片 ★  • 相關影片清單: ⚑ 訂閱我的頻道 ⚑ 記住訂閱&撳鐘仔,接收我哋最新投資/租務的教育影片 ツ與我聯繫ツ ===============================  - WhatsApp: +447915655198  - 網站  - Youtube:  - LinkedIn:  - Facebook:  - 香港投資者私人Facebook群組: ★ 同John一齊投資 ★ 按此一齊學習投資: 到時見!
香港人投資自住|蘇格蘭格拉斯哥G21近市區|Glasgow Scotland G21 | Near city center|Ideal for Hong Kongers relocate

香港人投資自住|蘇格蘭格拉斯哥G21近市區|Glasgow Scotland G21 | Near city center|Ideal for Hong Kongers relocate

#英國地產 #ukpropertyinvesting #英國買樓 香港人投資自住|蘇格蘭格拉斯哥G21近市區|Glasgow Scotland G21 | Near city center|Ideal for Hong Kongers relocate   Property Progress Update : Lenzie Way, Glasgow , 19 March 2023 John係英國出生及長大的香港人,英國投資物業專家,熟悉英國樓走勢及法律。現扎根英國4大城市之一,蘇格蘭最大城市,格拉斯哥(Glasgow)。專為香港人提供買賣物業、投資(buy to let)一條龍服務,涵蓋搵樓、裝修、出租、租務管理等、並持有英國按揭經紀牌。 與英國其他主要城市相比,對於想在英國買屋或投資的香港人來說,格拉斯哥提供相對實惠的住屋選擇。今集我將帶您參觀位於G21 Springburn的屋,近市中心,對想在這邊定居的香港人來說,是一個理想的地點。 John is a Hongkonger, born and raised in the UK, is a British investment property expert and is familiar with UK property trends and laws, based in Glasgow, the fourth largest city in the UK and the largest city in Scotland. Specializing in serving Hong Kong people in property investment. Our business covered sourcing property, renovation, leasing, buy to let, leasing management, and with a British mortgage broker license. Compared to other major UK cities, Glasgow offers relatively affordable housing options, making it a viable choice for Hong Kongers looking to purchase a home or invest in the UK. In this video, I will give you a walk-through to a property located at G21 Springburn, is an ideal location for Hong Kongers looking to relocate there. Watch this video as I dive in on this topic! ✅ Timestamps for reference: 1:00 G21 Springburn Area 2:07 出租前有什麼要裝修?|What to fix before renting out? 7:27 要裝修幾耐?可以租到幾多錢? ✅ Download these guides for FREE! ✅ Find the BEST PLACES to INVEST in UK: Ultimate Checklist for HongKongers Relocating To UK: Comment your key takeaway from this video below! ★ RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU ★  • Check out this video playlist to see the related videos ⚑ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ⚑   Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and hit the notification button to be updated on my upcoming UK Property educational videos about investing or renting that YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT 🏠  ツCONNECT WITH ME ツ =============================== You can connect with me on different social platforms too: - WhatsApp: +447915655198 - Website: - Youtube: - LinkedIn: - Facebook: - Hong Kong Investor Private FB Group: ★ Invest with John ★ To learn more about investing with me click   See you there! 🙌 *** Visit our website at 睇完片,留言同我地分享您學到咩! ★ 推薦影片 ★  • 相關影片清單: ⚑ 訂閱我的頻道 ⚑ 記住訂閱&撳鐘仔,接收我哋最新投資/租務的教育影片 ツ與我聯繫ツ ===============================  - WhatsApp: +447915655198  - 網站  - Youtube:  - LinkedIn:  - Facebook:  - 香港投資者私人Facebook群組: ★ 同John一齊投資 ★ 按此一齊學習投資: 到時見!
BNO投資裝修Tips|煮食爐要跟英國法例 The Gas Safety Regulations in the UK

BNO投資裝修Tips|煮食爐要跟英國法例 The Gas Safety Regulations in the UK

#英國地產 #ukpropertyinvesting #英國買樓 BNO投資裝修Tips|煮食爐要跟英國法例 The Gas Safety Regulations in the UK John係英國出生及長大的香港人,英國投資物業專家,熟悉英國樓走勢及法律。現扎根英國4大城市之一,蘇格蘭最大城市,格拉斯哥(Glasgow)。 專為香港人提供買賣物業、投資(buy to let)一條龍服務,涵蓋搵樓、裝修、出租、租務管理等、並持有英國按揭牌。 今集我會給BNO英國物業投資一些裝修Tips,業主必須要留意Gas Safety Certificate對 煮食爐的規定。 John is a Hongkonger, born and raised in the UK, is a British investment property expert and is familiar with UK property trends and laws, based in Glasgow, the fourth largest city in the UK and the largest city in Scotland. Specializing in serving Hong Kong people in property investment, house. Our business covered sourcing property, renovation, leasing, buy to let, leasing management, and with a British mortgage license. In this episode, I'll share with you some useful renovation tips for BNO UK property investors, owners must pay attention to Gas Safety Certificate Regulations for cooking stoves. Watch this video as I dive in on this topic! ✅ Download these guides for FREE! ✅ Find the BEST PLACES to INVEST in UK: Ultimate Checklist for Hong Kongers Relocating To UK: Comment your key takeaway from this video below! ★ RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU ★  • Check out this video playlist to see the related videos: ⚑ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ⚑   Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and hit the notification button to be updated on my upcoming UK Property educational videos about investing or renting that YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT 🏠  ツCONNECT WITH ME ツ =============================== You can connect with me on different social platforms too:  - WhatsApp: +447915655198 - Website: - Youtube:  - LinkedIn:  - Facebook:  - Hong Kong Investor Private FB Group: ★ Invest with John ★ To learn more about investing with me click   See you there! 🙌
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